About Us

About Us

For many years, Releasemi was just another eCommerce agency. Two key developments spurred our transition from an eCommerce agency into a B2B marketplace:

  1. Shifting from Consultancy to Ownership: Working as eCommerce consultants was an insightful experience, allowing us to gain extensive knowledge. However, as consultants, the projects we worked on never truly felt like our own, even though we were deeply involved in them.

  2. Insights from Distribution Companies: Collaborating with distribution companies, we realized that they often lacked the time or expertise to effectively grow brands through eCommerce.

A pivotal moment came with our work for Xiaomi. It sometimes felt as though XiaoMI, a remarkable brand, was trapped, distanced from its fans and consumers. This inspired our name, “Realise MI.”

Our mission at Releasemi is to unleash the full potential of exceptional brands in new markets. We achieve this by connecting them with the best and most suitable local retailers, while also assisting the brands in enhancing their digital presence. —releasing your brand into new markets.